Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

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  • 1 Similar Profiles

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Radiologists staunchly support patient safety and autonomy, in opposition to the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade

    Karandikar, A., Solberg, A., Fung, A., Lee, A. Y., Farooq, A., Taylor, A. C., Oliveira, A., Narayan, A., Senter, A., Majid, A., Tong, A., McGrath, A. L., Malik, A., Brown, A. L., Roberts, A., Fleischer, A., Vettiyil, B., Zigmund, B., Park, B., Curran, B., & 159 othersHenry, C., Jaimes, C., Connolly, C., Robson, C., Meltzer, C. C., Phillips, C. H., Dove, C., Glastonbury, C., Pomeranz, C., Kirsch, C. F. E., Burgan, C. M., Scher, C., Tomblinson, C., Fuss, C., Santillan, C., Daye, D., Brown, D. B., Young, D. J., Kopans, D., Vargas, D., Martin, D., Thompson, D., Jordan, D. W., Shatzkes, D., Sun, D., Mastrodicasa, D., Smith, E., Korngold, E., Dibble, E. H., Arleo, E. K., Hecht, E. M., Morris, E., Maltin, E. P., Cooke, E. A., Schwartz, E. S., Lehrman, E., Sodagari, F., Shah, F., Doo, F. X., Rigiroli, F., Vilanilam, G. K., Landinez, G., Kim, G. G. Y., Rahbar, H., Choi, H., Bandesha, H., Ojeda-Fournier, H., Ikuta, I., Dragojevic, I., Schroeder, J. L. T., Ivanidze, J., Katzen, J. T., Chiang, J., Nguyen, J., Robinson, J. D., Broder, J. C., Kemp, J., Weaver, J. S., Conyers, J. M., Robbins, J. B., Leschied, J. R., Wen, J., Park, J., Mongan, J., Perchik, J., Barbero, J. P. M., Jacob, J., Ledbetter, K., Macura, K. J., Maturen, K. E., Frederick-Dyer, K., Dodelzon, K., Cort, K., Kisling, K., Babagbemi, K., McGill, K. C., Chang, K. J., Feigin, K., Winsor, K. S., Seifert, K., Patel, K., Porter, K. K., Foley, K. M., Patel-Lippmann, K., McIntosh, L. J., Padilla, L., Groner, L., Harry, L. M., Ladd, L. M., Wang, L., Spalluto, L. B., Mahesh, M., Marx, M. V., Sugi, M. D., Sammer, M. B. K., Sun, M., Barkovich, M. J., Miller, M. J., Vella, M., Davis, M. A., Englander, M. J., Durst, M., Oumano, M., Wood, M. J., McBee, M. P., Fischbein, N. J., Kovalchuk, N., Lall, N., Eclov, N., Madhuripan, N., Ariaratnam, N. S., Vincoff, N. S., Kothary, N., Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, N., Brook, O. R., Glenn, O. A., Woodard, P. K., Mazaheri, P., Rhyner, P., Eby, P. R., Raghu, P., Gerson, R. F., Patel, R., Gutierrez, R. L., Gebhard, R., Andreotti, R. F., Masum, R., Woods, R., Mandava, S., Harrington, S. G., Parikh, S., Chu, S., Arora, S. S., Meyers, S. M., Prabhu, S., Shams, S., Pittman, S., Patel, S. N., Payne, S., Hetts, S. W., Hijaz, T. A., Chapman, T., Loehfelm, T. W., Juang, T., Clark, T. J., Potigailo, V., Shah, V., Planz, V., Kalia, V., DeMartini, W., Dillon, W. P., Gupta, Y., Koethe, Y., Hartley-Blossom, Z., Wang, Z. J., McGinty, G., Haramati, A., Allen, L. M. & Germaine, P., Jan 2023, In: Clinical Imaging. 93, p. 117-121 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Fat-only Dixon: how to use it in body MRI

    Salari, R., Ballard, D. H., Hoegger, M. J., Young, D. & Shetty, A. S., Jul 2022, In: Abdominal Radiology. 47, 7, p. 2527-2544 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • 1 Scopus citations
  • MRI appearance of BRCA-associated prostate cancer

    Kamal, O., Foster, B. R., Young, D. J., Hansel, D. E. & Coakley, F. V., Apr 2022, In: Clinical Imaging. 84, p. 135-139 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations