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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Radiologists staunchly support patient safety and autonomy, in opposition to the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade

    Karandikar, A., Solberg, A., Fung, A., Lee, A. Y., Farooq, A., Taylor, A. C., Oliveira, A., Narayan, A., Senter, A., Majid, A., Tong, A., McGrath, A. L., Malik, A., Brown, A. L., Roberts, A., Fleischer, A., Vettiyil, B., Zigmund, B., Park, B., Curran, B., & 159 othersHenry, C., Jaimes, C., Connolly, C., Robson, C., Meltzer, C. C., Phillips, C. H., Dove, C., Glastonbury, C., Pomeranz, C., Kirsch, C. F. E., Burgan, C. M., Scher, C., Tomblinson, C., Fuss, C., Santillan, C., Daye, D., Brown, D. B., Young, D. J., Kopans, D., Vargas, D., Martin, D., Thompson, D., Jordan, D. W., Shatzkes, D., Sun, D., Mastrodicasa, D., Smith, E., Korngold, E., Dibble, E. H., Arleo, E. K., Hecht, E. M., Morris, E., Maltin, E. P., Cooke, E. A., Schwartz, E. S., Lehrman, E., Sodagari, F., Shah, F., Doo, F. X., Rigiroli, F., Vilanilam, G. K., Landinez, G., Kim, G. G. Y., Rahbar, H., Choi, H., Bandesha, H., Ojeda-Fournier, H., Ikuta, I., Dragojevic, I., Schroeder, J. L. T., Ivanidze, J., Katzen, J. T., Chiang, J., Nguyen, J., Robinson, J. D., Broder, J. C., Kemp, J., Weaver, J. S., Conyers, J. M., Robbins, J. B., Leschied, J. R., Wen, J., Park, J., Mongan, J., Perchik, J., Barbero, J. P. M., Jacob, J., Ledbetter, K., Macura, K. J., Maturen, K. E., Frederick-Dyer, K., Dodelzon, K., Cort, K., Kisling, K., Babagbemi, K., McGill, K. C., Chang, K. J., Feigin, K., Winsor, K. S., Seifert, K., Patel, K., Porter, K. K., Foley, K. M., Patel-Lippmann, K., McIntosh, L. J., Padilla, L., Groner, L., Harry, L. M., Ladd, L. M., Wang, L., Spalluto, L. B., Mahesh, M., Marx, M. V., Sugi, M. D., Sammer, M. B. K., Sun, M., Barkovich, M. J., Miller, M. J., Vella, M., Davis, M. A., Englander, M. J., Durst, M., Oumano, M., Wood, M. J., McBee, M. P., Fischbein, N. J., Kovalchuk, N., Lall, N., Eclov, N., Madhuripan, N., Ariaratnam, N. S., Vincoff, N. S., Kothary, N., Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, N., Brook, O. R., Glenn, O. A., Woodard, P. K., Mazaheri, P., Rhyner, P., Eby, P. R., Raghu, P., Gerson, R. F., Patel, R., Gutierrez, R. L., Gebhard, R., Andreotti, R. F., Masum, R., Woods, R., Mandava, S., Harrington, S. G., Parikh, S., Chu, S., Arora, S. S., Meyers, S. M., Prabhu, S., Shams, S., Pittman, S., Patel, S. N., Payne, S., Hetts, S. W., Hijaz, T. A., Chapman, T., Loehfelm, T. W., Juang, T., Clark, T. J., Potigailo, V., Shah, V., Planz, V., Kalia, V., DeMartini, W., Dillon, W. P., Gupta, Y., Koethe, Y., Hartley-Blossom, Z., Wang, Z. J., McGinty, G., Haramati, A., Allen, L. M. & Germaine, P., Jan 2023, In: Clinical Imaging. 93, p. 117-121 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Durable Results with in Situ Graft Repair of Ruptured Salmonella Aneurysm in a Patient with Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome

    Thompson, P. C., Wang, L., Columbo, J., Schanzer, A. & Robinson, W. P., Dec 1 2016, In: International Journal of Angiology. 25, 5, p. e131-e134

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • The presence of Helicobacter pylori is not associated with long-term anastomotic complications in gastric bypass patients

    Kelly, J. J., Perugini, R. A., Wang, Q. L., Czerniach, D. R., Flahive, J. & Cohen, P. A., Oct 29 2015, In: Surgical endoscopy. 29, 10, p. 2885-2890 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    24 Scopus citations
  • The open, all-suture repair technique for the treatment of athletic pubalgia

    Litwin, D. E., Wang, L., Busconi, B. & Tuck, J. A., Dec 1 2014, Sports Hernia and Athletic Pubalgia: Diagnosis and Treatment. Springer US, Vol. 9781489974211. p. 123-131 9 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • The gem-dialkyl effect as a test for preliminary diphosphine chelate opening in a reductive elimination reaction

    Arthur, K. L., Wang, Q. L., Bregel, D. M., Smythe, N. A., O'Neill, B. A., Goldberg, K. I. & Moloy, K. G., Sep 12 2005, In: Organometallics. 24, 19, p. 4624-4628 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    44 Scopus citations