Imaging calcium entry sites and ribbon structures in two presynaptic cells

David Zenisek, Viviana Davila, Lei Wan, Wolfhard Almers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

147 Scopus citations


We investigated the location of calcium entry sites and synaptic ribbons in the type-Mb goldfish bipolar neuron and the bullfrog saccular hair cell. Cells were loaded with a fast calcium indicator (Fluo-3 or Fluo-5F) and an excess of a high-affinity but slow Ca buffer (EGTA). The cell surface was imaged by evanescent field microscopy. Small fluorescent "hot spots" representing calcium entry sites appeared abruptly when a voltage step opened Ca channels and disappeared or dimmed abruptly when Ca channels closed. In bipolar cells, the fluorescence of hot spots tracked the calcium influx. Hair cells showed similar Ca hot spots. Synaptic ribbons or dense bodies were labeled by immunofluorescence with an antibody that recognizes the ribbon protein ribeye. The antibody labeled punctate structures beneath the plasma membrane. In both bipolar neurons and hair cells, the number of Ca entry sites was similar or identical to that of ribbons or dense bodies, consistent with the idea that calcium-channel clusters reside near ribbons, and that both mark active zones. In bipolar cells, the number of Ca entry sites and ribeye-positive fluorescent spots is also strikingly similar to that of exocytic active zones but significantly less than the number of total exocytic sites including solitary fusion events outside active zones. We suggest that in bipolar terminals, active zones, Ca entry sites, and synaptic ribbons all colocalize, but also that a significant number of vesicles can fuse outside active zones and, hence, independently of synaptic ribbons.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2538-2548
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Neuroscience
Issue number7
StatePublished - Apr 1 2003


  • Bipolar cell
  • Calcium microdomains
  • Evanescent field
  • Exocytosis
  • Hair cell
  • Retina
  • Ribeye

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience


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