Response to Comment on "Tumor-initiating cells establish an IL-33-TGF-p niche signaling loop to promote cancer progression"

Sachiko Taniguchi, Ajit Elhance, Avery van Duzer, Sushil Kumar, Justin Leitenberger, Naoki Oshimori

Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Kamphuis etal. argue that macrophages accumulated in the proximity of tumor-initiating cells do not express the high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor FceRla. Although we cannot exclude the possibility of nonspecific binding of anti-FcεRIα antibody (clone MAR-1), we provide evidence that macrophages in squamous cell carcinomas express FceRla and that IL-33 induces FcεRlα expression in bone marrow cell-derived macrophages.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Issue number6538
StatePublished - Apr 9 2021

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  • General


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