Response to levodopa treatment in dopa-responsive dystonia

John G. Nutt, Torbjoern G. Nygaard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Scopus citations


Background: Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) is similar to Parkinson disease in that both disorders have impaired dopamine synthesis and respond to levodopa treatment. Dopa-responsive dystonia differs in that dopamine storage is intact in contrast to Parkinson disease in which it is markedly reduced. Objective: To examine the short- and long-duration responses to levodopa dosing in subjects with DRD. Methods: The response to brief infusions of levodopa was examined in 4 subjects with DRD and the effects of withdrawal of levodopa for 3 to 7 days studied in the 3 subjects receiving long-term levodopa therapy. Motor function was measured with tapping speed, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale motor score, and global dystonia score. Results: The short-duration response to levodopa dosing seems to develop more slowly and persists longer in subjects with DRD than in subjects with Parkinson disease. Withdrawal of levodopa leads to a gradual decline in tapping speed and reemergence of dystonia over several days, similar to the rate of decay of motor function in Parkinson disease. The short- and long-duration responses were not clearly differentiated in DRD. Conclusions: This pilot study suggests that retained dopamine storage in DRD may prolong the short-duration response and blur the distinction of the short- and long-duration responses. The decline in motor function in DRD on withdrawal of long-term levodopa therapy resembles that in Parkinson disease, suggesting that a long-duration response, if it exists in DRD, is unrelated to dopamine storage.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)905-910
Number of pages6
JournalArchives of Neurology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
  • Clinical Neurology


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