Verified spider bites in Oregon (USA) with the intent to assess hobo spider venom toxicity

Nathanael McKeown, Richard S. Vetter, Robert G. Hendrickson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


This study compiled 33 verified spider bites from the state of Oregon (USA). The initial goal was to amass a series of bites by the hobo spider to assess whether it possesses toxic venom, a supposition which is currently in a contested state. None of the 33 bites from several spider species developed significant medical symptoms nor did dermonecrosis occur. The most common biters were the yellow sac spider, Cheiracanthium mildei (N = 10) and orb-weavers of the genus Araneus (N = 6). There were 10 bites from three genera of funnel web spiders of the family Agelenidae including one hobo spider bite and one from the congeneric giant house spider which is readily confused as a hobo spider. The hobo spider bite resulted in pain, redness, twitching in the calf muscle and resolved in 12 h. Also generated from this study were possibly the first records of bites from spiders of the genera Callobius (Amaurobiidae) and Antrodiaetus (Antrodiaetidae), both with minor manifestations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)51-55
Number of pages5
StatePublished - Jun 15 2014


  • Envenomation
  • Hobo spider
  • Spider bites

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Toxicology


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