Analysis of the longitudinal stability of human plasma miRNAs and implications for disease biomarkers

Ursula S. Sandau, Jack T. Wiedrick, Trevor J. McFarland, Douglas R. Galasko, Zoe Fanning, Joseph F. Quinn, Julie A. Saugstad

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There is great interest in developing clinical biomarker assays that can aid in non-invasive diagnosis and/or monitoring of human diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological diseases. Yet little is known about the longitudinal stability of miRNAs in human plasma. Here we assessed the intraindividual longitudinal stability of miRNAs in plasma from healthy human adults, and the impact of common factors (e.g., hemolysis, age) that may confound miRNA data. We collected blood by venipuncture biweekly over a 3-month period from 22 research participants who had fasted overnight, isolated total RNA, then performed miRNA qPCR. Filtering and normalization of the qPCR data revealed amplification of 134 miRNAs, 74 of which had high test–retest reliability and low percentage level drift, meaning they were stable in an individual over the 3-month time period. We also determined that, of nuisance factors, hemolysis and tobacco use have the greatest impact on miRNA levels and variance. These findings support that many miRNAs show intraindividual longitudinal stability in plasma from healthy human adults, including some reported as candidate biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number2148
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2024

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