Effects of age on brainstem coding of speech glimpses in interrupted noise

William J. Bologna, Michelle R. Molis, Brandon M. Madsen, Curtis J. Billings

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Difficulty understanding speech in fluctuating backgrounds is common among older adults. Whereas younger adults are adept at interpreting speech based on brief moments when the signal-to-noise ratio is favorable, older adults use these glimpses of speech less effectively. Age-related declines in auditory brainstem function may degrade the fidelity of speech cues in fluctuating noise for older adults, such that brief glimpses of speech interrupted by noise segments are not faithfully represented in the neural code that reaches the cortex. This hypothesis was tested using electrophysiological recordings of the envelope following response (EFR) elicited by glimpses of speech-like stimuli varying in duration (42, 70, 210 ms) and interrupted by silence or intervening noise. Responses from adults aged 23–73 years indicated that both age and hearing sensitivity were associated with EFR temporal coherence and response magnitude. Age was better than hearing sensitivity for predicting temporal coherence, whereas hearing sensitivity was better than age for predicting response magnitude. Poorer-fidelity EFRs were observed with shorter glimpses and with the addition of intervening noise. However, losses of fidelity with glimpse duration and noise were not associated with participant age or hearing sensitivity. These results suggest that the EFR is sensitive to factors commonly associated with glimpsing but do not entirely account for age-related changes in speech recognition in fluctuating backgrounds.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number108771
JournalHearing Research
StatePublished - Jul 2023


  • Aging
  • Envelope following response
  • Forward masking
  • Frequency following response
  • Glimpsing
  • Interrupted speech

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Sensory Systems


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