Gender-affirming Clitoroplasty and Construction of the Clitoro-urethral Complex: An Anatomy Guided Selection of Two Techniques

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OBJECTIVE: To present 2 clitoroplasty techniques—the preputial skin and urethral flap—and describe our rationale for using each technique to construct the clitoro-urethral complex in gender-affirming vaginoplasty. METHODS: For uncircumcised patients or circumcised patients with greater than 2 cm of inner preputial skin and at least 8 cm of shaft skin proximal to the circumcision scar, we use the preputial skin clitoroplasty, a modification of the Ghent style clitoroplasty. The entire corona is used after medial glans and urethral mucosa is excised. The corona is brought together 1 cm from midline to create the visible ovoid clitoris; the remaining coronal tissue remains lateral to the clitoris for erogenous sensation as clitoral corpora. The clitoris is anchored to the proximal tunica, positioned at the level of the adductor longus tendon. The folded neurovascular bundle is fixed in the suprapubic area. The ventral urethral is spatulated and urethral flap approximated to the clitoris. Preputial skin is sutured proximally as tension allows. The clitoro-urethral complex is inset into an opening created in the penile skin flap. For patients with less skin, we use the urethral flap clitoroplasty. More corpus spongiosum is used, as the urethra creates the clitoral hood; this is described in the literature and attributed to Pierre Brassard. The clitoris is inset following a dorsal urethrotomy, with a small collar of preputial skin sewn to the spongiosum and urethral mucosa. The urethra is transected about 1 cm distally. The ventral urethra is then spatulated and the urethroplasty completed. RESULTS: We prefer the preputial skin flap technique for its’ greater coronal tissue volume for erogenous sensation and better esthetics, in our opinion. Circumcised patients should have at least 2 cm of skin distal to the circumcision scar. To avoid using skin graft for the introitus—a risk for introital stenosis—shaft skin proximal to the circumcision line should be at least 8 cm. CONCLUSION: We present 2 technical options for clitoroplasty and construction of the clitoro-urethral complex in gender-affirming vaginoplasty.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e320-e322
StatePublished - Jan 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology


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