Sleep deprivation soon after recovery from synthetic torpor enhances tau protein dephosphorylation in the rat brain

Timna Hitrec, Fabio Squarcio, Emiliana Piscitiello, Matteo Cerri, Davide Martelli, Alessandra Occhinegro, Ludovico Taddei, Domenico Tupone, Roberto Amici, Marco Luppi

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Neuronal Tau protein hyperphosphorylation (PPtau) is a hallmark of tauopathic neurodegeneration. However, a reversible brain PPtau occurs in mammals during either natural or “synthetic” torpor (ST), a transient deep hypothermic state that can be pharmacologically induced in rats. Since in both conditions a high sleep pressure builds up during the regaining of euthermia, the aim of this work was to assess the possible role of post-ST sleep in PPtau dephosphorylation. Male rats were studied at the hypothermic nadir of ST, and 3–6 h after the recovery of euthermia, after either normal sleep (NS) or total sleep deprivation (SD). The effects of SD were studied by assessing: (i) deep brain temperature (Tb); (ii) immunofluorescent staining for AT8 (phosphorylated Tau) and Tau-1 (non-phosphorylated Tau), assessed in 19 brain structures; (iii) different phosphorylated forms of Tau and the main cellular factors involved in Tau phospho-regulation, including pro- and anti-apoptotic markers, assessed through western blot in the parietal cortex and hippocampus; (iv) systemic factors which are involved in natural torpor; (v) microglia activation state, by considering morphometric variations. Unexpectedly, the reversibility of PPtau was more efficient in SD than in NS animals, and was concomitant with a higher Tb, higher melatonin plasma levels, and a higher frequency of the microglia resting phenotype. Since the reversibility of ST-induced PPtau was previously shown to be driven by a latent physiological molecular mechanism triggered by deep hypothermia, short-term SD soon after the regaining of euthermia seems to boost the possible neuroprotective effects of this mechanism.


  • Brain temperature
  • Deep hypothermia
  • Gentle handling
  • Melatonin
  • Microglia
  • Sleep pressure

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology
  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Endocrinology


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